Events Calendar

Invest In Your People — November 12

More details to come.


Nonprofit Forum — May 8

A half-day program was held at the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library with an opening discussion on expanding your philanthropic toolkit, breakout sessions with professional partners to explore legal and financial challenges and opportunities, and a panel of nonprofit leaders who are successfully navigating their organizations and preparing for the future.

Please find more information about the event agenda and speakers here.


Strategize and Thrive in 2024 — February 14

Following a volatile year, what should finance and investment committees be focused on to ensure a successful 2024? Nonprofit organizations face a formidable task: developing and implementing strategies to financially support your mission both today and in the future. How are the economy and capital markets impacting the philanthropic landscape? And which fundraising strategies and planned giving vehicles may offer particular promise as a result?   
Some of the questions and concerns we will address include: 
•    What is the economic outlook this year, given inflation and high interest rates?  
•    How should we be thinking about our reserves and cash management in a volatile environment? 
•    What will fundraising look like with this backdrop? 
•    How can nonprofit organizations address turnover and ensure they are investing in their people to the best of their ability?  
•    How can automation cut costs and bring about efficiencies? 

Clare Golla, CFP®
National Managing Director, Philanthropic Services 

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